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With the new year comes new resolutions and for many of us that means new fitness or health goals. Finding the right place of fitness for yourself can sometimes be tricky but here are a few reasons why a Boxing or Martial Arts gym may be your ideal place of fitness in 2020.

To find some of the most tolerant and diverse places on earth, look no further than a boxing gym or martial arts dojo. Inside a gym or dojo you will see people who are; old and young, big and small, male and female (and everything in between.) You will find people of all races, colours, creeds and religions. You will find experts and beginners, amateurs and pros, casual hobbyists and die hards who live and breath whatever their respected art is. And through all of this, this seems to create an extremely positive environment that encourages growth and improvement. To see all these different types of people existing in harmony and working together to accomplish their goals is a beautiful thing and something everybody should take the opportunity to see and feel in person.

Another reason to consider a boxing or martial arts gym is for the fun and dynamic training. It’s so easy to stagnant and become complacent during our fitness journey, to take the easy path and fall into a routine. In a boxing or martial arts class, you will be challenged with very dynamic and diverse workouts every time you step into the gym. The combination of body conditioning, and mental training translates to very effective and stimulating exercise sessions. Traditionally, the emphasis of these classes are on body weight exercises; push-ups, squats, crunches, etc. Which prevents injuries and offers quick recovery. This often allows individuals to train at a consistently high level without the threat of over training.

Finally, while the fitness aspects from training in a combat art are amazing, you will also be learning extremely effective and practical skills. There is a very big difference between an individual who has not been trained in combat arts, and an individual who has. They are skills you can possess for life, and they sit in your back pocket like a tool, just in case, and god-forbid you do, ever need to use them to defend yourself or a loved one. These skills create a quiet confidence that is very hard to get from anything else.

So, while trying to find your ideal place of fitness in 2020, consider the amazing reasons why OBFT gym may be your best fit. The diversity and positivity from the people you will meet, the fun and dynamic work-outs, and the practical and effective skills you will learn, you owe it to yourself to try out a class and experience these things first hand. There is nothing else quite like training at a combat arts school and you should make 2020 your year to find out what it’s all about.

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